
I’ve written for a number of gaming magazines and websites over the years, including PC Gamer, IGN, Retro Gamer, PC Format, Official Xbox Magazine and the venerable CVG, but I’m perhaps best remembered for five years spent at the captain’s table of PC Zone, which for a time was the best-selling PC games mag in the UK. Since those heady days I’ve launched and edited a number of print and digital gaming publications, among them the long-running Eve Online magazine Eon and meaty multi-format bible Games™.

Away from the flimsy world of magazines I’ve written an inconsequential stack of half-baked fiction and edited two books on the subject of Eve Online: The Art of Eve and Into the Second Decade – celebrating Eve’s fifth and tenth anniversaries respectively.

In recent years I’ve penned Eurogamer articles, produced Eve Online videos and and taken on various consultation assignments (one of which culminated in a Witcher 3 credit). My current work is focused on managing content for MMOGs, including Revelation and Conqueror’s Blade. This leaves me barely enough spare time to catch up with the games I never had the time to enjoy because I was always too busy writing about them.